Editors Corner | The CEO Show | The CEO Magazine

This video was not really planned for publication. I was simply playing around with technology but then I thought it turned out pretty good. So I will share it with you. Moreover, I am considering starting a video blog from now on. Please take a moment to send me a note of suggestion, criticism, or commendation - depending upon your inclination at that moment. I hope you are having a good day, by the way. Let me know if you like the idea of the imagery behind. I do not want to look like I am teaching a meditation class but I do want to hold your attention. In this video I talk about something that truly is a remarkable idea. There is a method to making a Sankalp work. Perhaps, one day psychological literature will help us understand why and how they work - but I can tell you that I have made them work for me. Until next time... Sayonara.