Homeward Bound: Four Questions to Ask Yourself on Your Drive Home from Work

Craig Ross

Homeward Bound: Four Questions to Ask Yourself on Your Drive Home from Work

It’s 5 p.m. and you’re ready to leave the office and make the journey home. How do you spend this time between destinations? You could lament the inevitable rush-hour traffic, or tune in to your radio station of choice. But you can also use this time to reflect on your day and gradually switch gears (and priorities) between work and home life to find balance and peace between the two.



Consider asking yourself these four questions at least 10 minutes before you arrive home:

  1. What did I learn today that's valuable?
  2. What did I do well today?
  3. What are the three greatest blessings in my life?
  4. How can I be the best mom/dad/spouse or friend tonight?

It’s important to ask yourself questions that are forward focused—meaning questions that guide your energy toward solutions rather than problems, toward what is working rather than what is not working, and toward learning lessons rather than finding fault.

When you take on issues with a forward focused mindset, it moves your thinking to the front side of the energy map, allowing you to make decisions that move things forward effectively. By doing this, you can create a more productive and happier environment for yourself and your colleagues at work, as well as your family and friends at home.