5 Tips to Awaken from the Winter Slumber
Cynthia Kay

This past winter has been an interesting one. Nationwide there were numerous rainy and wintery mixes causing unexpected closings and outages for businesses and schools. These closings and delays made a big impact on multiple companies as sales went down, more exterior repairs incurred, and overall employee morale and productivity decreased due to the gloomy conditions. As spring arrives, this month is a great opportunity to awaken from the winter slumber and get your business back on a sunny path. Here are some tips on how to enter this season with a new and brighter future:
Check your Brick and Mortar for any Repairs
Particularly for companies whose location is in a place affected by snow, check the exterior of your building for any repairs and start pricing contractors to come and fix it. Does your place need a fresh coat of paint? Get that done for a new Spring feel. There also were a lot of potholes that occurred on local streets and parking lots. Check your parking lot for these holes and get them fixed before the warm weather is here for good.
Spring Clean Business Expenses
Pick a number, for example $500 and any expense with an annual charge of more than this amount would need to show a benefit. Meaning it is directly attributing to revenue or is it absolutely necessary? If the expense is unable to do that, eliminate it or try to reduce the cost. You can even set some goals for the expense like how much you will spend on advertising for the year.
Release a New Product or Service or Test It
Spring is a great time to release a new product, service or program at your company. Everyone’s mood lightens as anticipation for the new season builds. Use this time to create a customer loyalty program or test out a new service you are thinking about offering. Your customers should be more receptive than in other seasons. And if you are still in the planning phases, this is a great time to have additional strategy meetings with your team as their creative juices should be flowing this time of year more than ever.
Market your Store for Spring Season Holidays
Although Thanksgiving, Christmastime and Valentine’s Day has passed there are multiple holidays that can be used as marketing tools. Including, Tax Day (April 15th), Easter (April 20th), Mother’s Day (May 11th), Labor Day (May 25th) and Father’s Day (June 15th). “Last year, U.S. consumers spent an estimated $17.2 billion for Easter, $20.7 billion on Mother’s Day, and $13.3 billion on Father’s Day.” (SmallBizTrends.com) One idea includes using Tax Day as a “sales-tax free day” (Remember, you still have to remit the tax even though the customer doesn’t pay it). Offer gifts as discounted items for additions to Easter baskets including, gift cards, toys, games, electronics and books. As well as creating the Ultimate Mother’s Day Experience that gives mom time with the family. Some examples of this are a Mother’s Day Tea for a book store, craft lessons for an art store or offering a cooking class for a restaurant.
After using these tips in no time your business should be season and weather appropriate once again!